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Kingsolver staff are committed to Every Student, Every Chance, Every Day.
Kingsolver will educate, engage and empower military-connected students to ensure high levels of learning for all students.
Background Information (from article by Mrs. Katelyn Newton (USACE), published October 19, 2017):
On September 14, 2017, students, parents and staff at Kingsolver Elementary came together for a much anticipated ribbon-cutting ceremony of the new state-of-the-art school at Fort Knox, Kentucky.
The Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA), which is opening 14 new 21st century concept schools around the world this year, welcomed students to Kingsolver in August.
"There will be thousands of students that will walk through these halls and will ultimately impact the future of our world," said Dr. Linda Curtis, principal deputy director and associate director of academics for DoDEA, during the ceremony.
"This new school will be a place where students will build their capacities and their aspirations with the support of their teachers, administrators, command support and great parents and students."
The original Kingsolver Elementary, named after William E. Kingsolver--the first superintendent of Fort Knox schools from 1941 to 1954--was drastically different than the modern facility students are learning in today.
"I think it's safe to say that the world in school design and construction were much different then," said Curtis reminding students and faculty how much has changed since those cinder block structures from bygone days.
The 21st century school concept includes adaptable neighborhoods that include learning studios, teacher collaboration space, and open-area common spaces designed for student-centered learning. This type of innovative learning environment coupled with the educational green features is a game-changer for today's students.
Students have the unique opportunity to learn about sustainability from the building around them. Every aspect of the new 115,000 square-foot school was designed with green features in mind--from energy dashboards that allow students to see how much water or energy their class is using to a composter that turns kitchen trash into plant food.
"This 21st century school is a teaching tool itself and inside you will see systems and building components exposed to provide students with real world examples they can relate to, providing them with hands-on learning experiences in science, technology, engineering and math," said Curtis.
"We're also very proud that Kingsolver Elementary is a LEED Silver certified facility with sustainable design strategies, energy efficient lighting and heating and cooling systems. We've even incorporated solar water heating, food waste extractor systems and daylight sensor light level systems that provide a comfortable, economical and efficient learning environment for students."
The $38.9 million project, managed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District, was constructed by AWA Wilson Joint Venture to meet the requirements for LEED Silver certification meaning every aspect of the building's design, construction techniques and its future use was taken into consideration, from using high-efficiency toilets to low-VOC paint on the walls.
USACE Project Engineer Steve Skaggs said no detail was overlooked on the project. "Our design partner worked closely with DoDEA Americas and the Kentucky School District, our partners at Fort Knox, and USACE Engineering and Construction Divisions to ensure a facility that is much more than just a building, but is a cutting-edge, sustainable facility that will enhance the learning experience for all of the students who attend," he said. "It almost makes you wish you were a student again, because this school is remarkable."
Kingsolver Elementary School is named in honor of William E. Kingsolver (1898-1954).
Born September 6, 1898 in Kirklin, Indiana, Mr. Kingsolver came to Kentucky in 1941 upon accepting the position of Superintendent of Fort Knox schools.
Before moving to Kentucky, he enjoyed much success throughout his life. Upon graduating from Kirklin High School, Mr. Kingsolver earned his bachelor’s degree at Franklin College, where he earned fifteen of sixteen possible varsity letters in sports. In 1947 Franklin College voted Mr. Kingsolver as the Outstanding Athlete in the history of the school. After graduating from college in 1921, Mr. Kingsolver went on to coach a variety of sports, including football, baseball and track at Technical High School of Indianapolis. He held various coaching positions at schools in Sheridan, Montpelier and Sullivan. The Sheridan football team won the state championship while under the coaching of Mr. Kingsolver. Mr. Kingsolver received his master’s degree from Indiana University. He later became principal at various schools in Sheridan, Winchester and Montpelier before moving to Kentucky.
Mr. Kingsolver was the superintendent of Fort Knox schools 1941-1954. He also served on the Board of the Kentucky High School Athletic Association 1950-1954. Testifying in front of Congress in 1949 on behalf of Fort Knox school children, he was instrumental in transforming Fort Knox schools from a private institution run by the Army camp post school board to federal legislation in 1950 that provided free public education of children who resided on federal property. As superintendent of Fort Knox, he started the first unsegregated elementary school system in the South in 1945. Mr. Kingsolver stated, “When a child enrolls, he is a child. It doesn’t matter what military ranks his parent holds, nor what color or creed the child is.” Mr. Kingsolver died in an accident on a Fort Knox range while walking his beloved dogs on 7 Nov 1954.
Literacy Goal: All students will improve their comprehension of nonfiction and informational texts across the curriculum.
Mathematics Goal: All Students will improve their problem solving skills across the curriculum